Lambton OPP continue to investigate an incident which occurred Sunday July 15th at approximately 1:50 pm, on Highway 21 just south of Northville. A red Ford pick-up truck was travelling northbound towing a 28 foot trailer. A silver car, possibly a Pontiac, also travelling northbound pulled out to pass this truck and trailer. The driver of the truck, fearing a head on collision with oncoming traffic, pulled on to the shoulder. As he did so the trailer began to fishtail and eventually rolled off the shoulder and into the shallow ditch. The trailer was destroyed but luckily no one was injured.
The silver car did not stop at the scene. There were witnesses to this incident; however, no one was able to provide any identifying information about the silver car or the driver.
If you have information about this silver Pontiac and who the driver is, do the right thing, and call Crime Stoppers.
If you have any information about this or any other serious crimes in Sarnia Lambton, call Crime Stoppers. If your information leads to an arrest, you may receive a cash reward. You do not have to reveal your identity or appear in court. Crime Stoppers does not use Caller Display or Call Trace. Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers can be reached at 332-8477, or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.