Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers is looking for information about the person(s) responsible for the break, enter and theft from Triad Contractors, located on Gladwish Drive in the City of Sarnia. This crime occurred sometime overnight on May 18th, 2014.
Stolen were several items including 2 Generac generators, 2 concrete vibrators, 2 steel quick cut saws, and many other construction grade tools, having a total value of $25,000.00. All of these tools were in a 1998 Ford cutaway van, white in colour, and at the time had an Ontario plate of 408 1XP, which was simply driven out of the yard. To date, none of the items including the van have been recovered.
If you have information about who is responsible for this crime, or the location of any of the stolen property, call Crime Stoppers.