Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers is looking for your help in identifying the person or persons involved in a break enter and theft on March 24, 2015 around 1:30 P.M. The daytime break and enter to a private residence in the 400 block of Arthur St in Point Edward resulted in the theft of prescription medication from an elderly victim. The victim heard someone enter into the house in the kitchen area and when the victim went to see what was going on, a young male was seen walking away from the house, north on Arthur Street before turning west on Charles. The male was described as fairly young and close to 6 feet tall, wearing a bright blue baseball cap, a ¾ length jacket, jeans and white running shoes.
If you have any information about this or any other serious crimes in Sarnia Lambton, please call Crime Stoppers. If your information leads to an arrest, you may receive a cash reward. You do not have to reveal your identity or appear in court. Crime Stoppers does not use Caller Display or Call Trace. Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers: 519-332-8477, or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.