A1 Security Crime of the Week
Sarnia Police along with the Ontario Provincial Police are seeing an increase in the number of impaired drivers in and around Sarnia Lambton. This is both shameful and frightening for all of our communities.
Recently, volunteers and MADD Sarnia-Lambton Board members gathered and placed more than 200 white crosses adorned with red ribbons in front of the East Street Fire Hall in Sarnia. The display represents the many lives that are lost each year across our nation due to impaired driving during the holiday season.
To date, Sarnia Police have laid 79 charges related to impaired driving. A total of 76 charges were laid in all of 2020. In the middle of the summer of 2021, the Ontario Provincial Police reported that they had already laid 35 alcohol driving related charges.
The Sarnia Police Service totals are a combination of impaired by alcohol and by drugs. The combination of drugs and alcohol or the combination of drugs and prescription drugs (known as “poly-drug” use) continues to be an issue of concern. Trained drug recognition experts throughout the province have led to the ability to spot indicators more clearly on “impaired by drug” occurrences. Given the severity of impaired driving, officers have also been more vigilant in spotting impaired drivers and removing them from our roads.
As a reminder, for the purpose of checking sobriety, police officers have the authority to conduct “mandatory alcohol screening” on ANY driver on ANY road at ANY time, after making a lawful stop.
Refusing to provide a breath sample charges have also doubled for the Sarnia Police this year. This can result in fine of $2,000.
Party hosts and bars/restaurants can be held liable and responsible for impaired drivers who leave their homes and establishments.
Roadside sobriety checkpoints and the holiday RIDE programs will be out and about in Sarnia-Lambton very soon.
If you spot someone or suspect someone to be driving while under the influence, please call 911. Get as much information as possible and police will respond to the location. Do not inform police via social media platforms. This is a “crime in progress” and needs to be dealt with immediately. Do not attempt to stop the vehicle yourself. Your safety is very important.