Our next JailBird is Nicole “THE CLOSER” Eede! Nicole is being charged with “Exiting” house listing from the market too fast!!
Nicole’s work in real estate is about intergrity, energy, hard work and creative service – all with you in mind. Nicole grew up in Sarnia and her talents in sales started early. She has since built a career in marketing and retail management where she earned trust and respect for great customer service, consistent communication and a strong attention to detail.
For Nicole, it’s all about building positive relationships. With her supportive family and her two energetic boys, Nicole is passionate about celebrating the people, seasons, culture and activities that make living in Sarnia-Lambton unique. Four words you can count on from Nicole Eede: integrity, commitment, passion and fun.
If you wish to help Bail our Nicole (or looking to buy or sell a home), please contact her at 519 402 3377