You’ve all heard this message before, but it’s still happening on a daily basis here in Sarnia Lambton. If you leave valuables in your vehicle, even while your vehicle is parked in your own driveway, you could lose them. Most thefts from vehicles happen to vehicles which are left unlocked.
When shopping, be sure to leave any valuables or gifts you have purchased in the trunk of your vehicle. Place items in your trunk before leaving for the next shopping location. When at the beach, always lock your vehicle, and do not leave valuables in the car where they can be seen.
Don’t be a victim of a crime you can prevent. “LOCK IT OR LOSE IT!
If you have any information about any serious crimes in Sarnia Lambton, call Crime Stoppers. If your information leads to an arrest, you may receive a cash reward. You do not have to reveal your identity or appear in court. Crime Stoppers does not use Caller Display or Call Trace. Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers can be reached at 332-TIPS, that’s 332-8477, or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.