Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers wants you to know that the week of April 21st to the 27th is National
Victims of Crime Awareness Week.
The theme this year is “We All Have A Role”- the Criminal Justice System, all levels of government,
and all Canadians.
Very often the first level of support for victims of crime is family members and friends. Being
knowledgeable about the services available to victims gives each Canadian the opportunity to pass
along that information to someone else whose life has been impacted by crime.
Victim Services of Sarnia-Lambton provides immediate emotional and practical support to all victims
of crime and tragic circumstance, 24 hours, 7 days a week. They are a volunteer driven organization,
working in cooperation with local police to bring understanding and help to a victim.
They can be reached at 519-344-8861 ext 5238, or 1-888-281- 3665 ext 5238.